Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Gandhigiri Vs Rang De Basanti

Gandhigiri Vs Rang De Basanti

" I want freedom for the full expression of my personality. " M.K Gandhi.
As we celebrate 60th year of our Indian Independence, it is really important for us to understand what has shaped us in the way we think and the way we believe of ourselves as being Indians.
Is this the India what was 20 years back or has it changed? Such questions are raised every now and then, lots of debates and discussion are undertaken, but does it lack in its practicality. Yes and no. What comes to your mind when you first think about “ Gandhigiri Vs Rand De Basanti” Well its nothing about a comparison but somewhere down the line the two have a common thing of their own…Both voiced in their own way the importance if Independence and freedom. No matter what ever we think but recently what have really taken The Indian Youths by storm are the two schools of thoughts, which originated during the Indian struggle for independence. Both with a single minded focus of Independence from foreign oppression. Independence for freedom to speech, action, expression.
Well words like Gandhigiri or Rang de Basanti are not just word for itself nor just a title of the film, these are philosophies in which we the youth of Indian are proud to have and believe in it and will continue to follow and preach it.
Gandhigiri is a colloquial neologism in Bambaiya Hindi (a dialect specific to Mumbai, India) which is used to express Gandhism (the ideals of Mahatma Gandhi which include Satyagraha, non-violence, and truth) in contemporary terms. The term "Gandhigiri" was popularized by the 2006 Hindi film, Lage Raho Munna Bhai.
The Basic teaching of Gandhism include satya (truth) and Satyagraha: "Truth (satya) implies love, and firmness (agraha) engenders and therefore serves as a synonym for force...that is to say, the Force which is born of Truth and Love or non-violence." Gandhi further noted of the term, Satyagraha, its root meaning is holding on to truth, hence it can also becalled as truth force, love-force or soul force.
Gandhigiri" has had an impact on all. "Nobody thinks of Gandhiji these days. If nothing else, 'Gandhigiri' has ensured that Gandhi’s ideas have entered the collective conscience of people,"
Its understandable that these are not practical there days, but its it also important to keep it at the back of your head. Believing in love, persuasion and truth, there is nothing wrong in believing it. What’s the harm? At least if you believe in these fundamentals it ensures that you can be a good human being and can definitely make an effort to improve one’s condition, and if one’s condition improves he/she can definitely aid in improving other condition. Believing in it will help in getting your things done, because such values make others believe in you.
I don’t see any thing wrong in making Gandhi the Next Gen Pop-icon. Thanks to Munnabahi, in bringing Gandhian thought back into the lives of the Indians with” Gandhigiri’.
Rang De Basanthi:
The generation awakens. Yes and its true we are no more living in the past but we are moving forwad with the values left by our great freedomfighters .
The Movie “ Rang De basanti” has really managed to evoke an awareness and message amongst the Indain youth that if you want want to make your country better, then its in your own hands.Like the dialogue from the movie,” NO country is perfect, you have to make it perfect”.
"There are only two ways to lead your life -- Either, let things happen in their own way, keep tolerating it. Or, take responsibility to change it."This is a powerful message to all youths that what is important is that you have to take the rensopilibility, be responsible, be an aset to the cout not a liability. Rang De Basanti is essentially a post-modern interpretation of freedom as it throws light upon the true identity of the Indian.
Indian Independence was not just a cause it was an idea, which shook the sleeping Indians to their toes. And the rest is History. As Bhagat Singh stated,”It is easy to kill individuals but you cannot kill the ideas. Great empires crumbled while the ideas survived”.
Now the idea of independence is not form opperesion from a foreign rule,it lies with- in the system which we have created. Its time to get things at the right prospective, do thing in a different manner and correct the system. Rang De basanti is an evolution of an idea ,that enough is enough, lets be practical and logical and do things that will not only help single individual but will inspire generation to come.
From Bhagat Singh's prison diary, an inspiring note:-
The aim of life is no more to control the mind, but to develop it harmoniously; not to achieve salvation here after, but to make the best use of it here below; and not to realise truth, beauty and good only in contemplation, but also in the actual experience of daily life; social progress depends not upon the ennoblement of the few but on the enrichment of democracy; universal brotherhood can be achieved only when there is an equality of opportunity - of opportunity in the social, political and individual life."
It is pretty interesting to notice that we are currently in the vices of our regular cores of life. We are like puppets either working for someone or obeying someone’s order be it in class, offices. Well all these things are necessary, but it is equally important to understand the meaning of life. We are here to make a difference in the smallest area possible or bringing the difference to the masses. No matter what, there will be lot of hindrances that one will face in its course of life. But it equally important to understand the meaning of what Gandhiji and other revolutionaries taught and believed.

They brought county first in their agenda and everything later. They lived and died everyday. Because of their effort, now we can comfortably relish and taste of freedom and independence. Thanks and kudos to their hardship and untiring vision and faith in the independence movement.
Similarly it is equally important to know the power what lies with- in you. Its you who is responsible for shaping the future and well there has to be a strong foundation for anything. The cornerstone for the foundation will come from the philosophies of Gandhigiri and rang De Basanti.

Believe in yourself and follow the principles set out by our great martyrs. Be Responsible.
. Responsibility not only lies with the teachers, burecrats, politicians, editors .It also belongs to the students.
If you have heard that students cannot be responsible, just shun away these illogical notions, for it’s the light within you which is waiting to show light to the world or people nearby you. Prove the people who underestimate you, wrong. There is no harm in making yourself a good human being and worthy of being a true GEN Next Indian.

The Gen Next Indians are not those Indians who argues that Gandhi is right/wrong , Bhagat Singh was right/wrong, but are individuals who are aware of both the philosophies and are smart enough to distinguish where to apply what, when and how.

I would like to end this journey with an interesting dialogue from Rang De Basanti, with an appeal to students , "If yet your blood does not rage, then it is water that flows in your veins. For what is the flush of youth, if it is not of service to the motherland."

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